• 27 juillet 2024 8h08

Miadé Bé Nou

Traditions, Cultures ancestrales et Actualités du Togo, d'Afrique et du Monde

Togo Moyen-Mono: A modern kitchen and a store equipped with food for the Jean-Paul II orphanage in Tohoun thanks to Diasted


Jan 18, 2023

Sunday, January 15, 2023 is a day of joy, day of thanksgiving and day of blessings for the members of the Togolese Diaspora for Mutual Aid and Development (DIASTED).

A delegation led by the current President of the association officially offered a building consisting of a kitchen and a store in addition to food to the children of the John Paul II orphanage in Tohoun, 155 kilometers from the town of Lome.

For the President of DIASTED, this jewel bears witness to the determination of the members of the association to work for the development and education of the most vulnerable groups in Togo.

« This donation will relieve the pain of our mothers and our sisters who for several years have been cooking under the hot sun and the rain » suggested the president, Bernard KOBA before adding that « since the creation of our association , this is my first time that I stand up and in front of the orphan children. I have goosebumps but I will never say enough. Thank you to the people in charge of this orphanage for all that they do for the populations of Middle East. Mono.

While welcoming the donors, the children of the orphanage rejoice at the jewel and promise to make good use of it.

« We express our thanks and gratitude to you for this kitchen built for us. May God further bless the work of your hands! », Plagued the children’s spokesperson, Georgette MONHONSSOU.

Without however failing to also speak, the person in charge of the John Paul II orphanage also expressed her joy.

« Our joy on this day is very immense. You have always supported our children but today is one more job. May God in his goodness grant you good health in order to often respond to our requests » declared the sister Rosaline EKEGNON.

Also present at this ceremony, the Mayor of the commune of Moyen-Mono 1 fell under the spell of the DIASTED.

« You have come from afar to support our children. You will also see us at work very soon! » announced Mayor Pierre Mensah AWITY before continuing that « no government alone can suffice to his nation. May this DIASTED mission extend over the entire Togolese nation! ». Aware of the responsibility of his municipality towards these vulnerable children, the Mayor for his part offered a 25 kg bag of rice, a box of spaghetti and a 5 liter can of oil to support this noble cause.

The only reception center in the prefecture of Moyen-Mono in Tohoun, the needs remain enormous to meet the criteria of a center worthy of the name. Recall that the DIASTED is a non-profit association created by some Togolese at the level of the Diaspora since February 2005 and which works for the education, well-being and development of the most vulnerable layers.

By Aristo