• 27 juillet 2024 7h40

Miadé Bé Nou

Traditions, Cultures ancestrales et Actualités du Togo, d'Afrique et du Monde

1st Edition of the Awards for Excellence in Tradition and Culture: Nigeria welcomes Nana Abrafikoto Kyeremaa ECOWAS Queen Mother of the Peoples in December 2023


Juil 13, 2023
Long isolated from the rest of the world, the African continent has cultivated a deep cultural heritage that translates into religious rituals, the practice of dance and music. Artistic representations are ubiquitous at parties or festive events.
Traditional African religions are therefore considered monotheistic, characterized by the belief in a supreme God, creator of all things, but who is not invoked, and whose manifestations are numerous in form.
Her Majesty Queen Nana KYEREMAA ABRAFI KOTO in her ardent desire to consolidate the relations which must unite the guarantors of our traditions, and lead them to work with the aim of restoring the place and the respect that is necessary to the corporation of the chiefs who embody royalty, has decided to organize with partners, namely, journalists representing their country of origin within ECOWAS, a major ceremony to be held in Nigeria in December 2023.
African cultural values ​​are far from exhaustive. The sense of respect, set aside by the perversity of the present generation; ethics and love of neighbor are virtues that the African tradition considers as a priority of priorities.
How important is African culture?
 Africa's rich and diverse cultural and natural heritage is important for sustainable development, poverty reduction, and peacekeeping and peacebuilding. It can serve as a solid foundation for economic progress in an inclusive manner as the continent strives to tackle the challenges posed by other Eastern and Western religions.
 On this occasion, respectable Customary Chiefs chosen for the occasion will be distinguished by the awarding of a prize of Excellence.
 This first edition will give the opportunity to journalist communicators who benefit from a great vision on a national scale, to make the choice to be determined as to the nomination.
 ‹‹ On this Africa Day, I renew my call to developed nations to stand in solidarity with Africa. ›› explained Nana Abrafikoto.
 How important is traditional culture?
 A vital part of a vibrant society, culture is expressed in the way we tell our stories, celebrate, remember the past, entertain ourselves and imagine the future. Our creative expression helps us define ourselves and see the world through the eyes of others.
 Participating in culture can have beneficial effects on people in many ways, some of which can be deeply personal. A source of pleasure and wonder, culture can offer emotionally or intellectually touching experiences, whether pleasant or disturbing, that invite celebration or contemplation. Culture also offers the means to express one's creativity, to forge one's own identity and to constitute or preserve the feeling of belonging to the community.
 Cultural experiences provide opportunities for recreation, entertainment, learning and sharing experiences with others. From museums to theaters and dance halls to public libraries, culture brings us together.
 These advantages are inherent in the culture. They seduce us and motivate us to participate.
 The benefits that culture brings to individuals can spread to society as a whole.
 Culture helps build social capital, it is the unifying element of communities. By bringing people together, cultural activities, such as festivals, fairs and gatherings, engender solidarity and social cohesion promoting social integration, community empowerment and capacity building, as well as strengthening trust, civic pride and tolerance. The social capital generated by culture grows stronger with regular participation in cultural activities. Cultural engagement also plays an important role in strategies to fight poverty and help communities at risk.
 Economic benefits of culture
 The culture sector supports the economy by directly and indirectly creating jobs. It also helps to drive innovation in other sectors in terms of productivity gains, regional development, community branding and local tourism promotion.

By Aristo