• 26 juillet 2024 15h04

Miadé Bé Nou

Traditions, Cultures ancestrales et Actualités du Togo, d'Afrique et du Monde

Who is Her Majesty Nana Abrafikoto Kyeremaa Queen Mother of the ECOWAS of the Peoples, the eyes of our ancestral traditions and cultures?


Juin 27, 2023

The idea of ​​transmitting a culture, a religion, a tradition is often understood as an operation of identical reproduction of what one has received oneself, from one’s ancestors or one’s masters. This meaning, centered on fidelity to the model and the conservation of the heritage, retains only part of the phenomena observed in human societies.

The two terms culture and tradition are interdependent concepts specific to different social groups. However, these two words cannot be used as synonyms. The main difference between culture and tradition is that Culture consists of the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular social group. while Tradition is the transmission of customs and beliefs from one generation to another. From these definitions, it should be clear to you that traditions are also part of culture.

Her Majesty the Queen Mother comes from a large Royal family which takes shape and roots from Ghana to Zanzan de Bondoukou in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.

After her course operated at the level of Studies crowned with diplomas, she is CEO of a group of companies officiating with various development partners in the fields of Entrepreneurship.

Daughter of the King of Brongs in Ivory Coast.
She is the Queen Mother of Ghanaian Nationals in Côte d’Ivoire and of the Peoples’ Communities of ECOWAS and Africa.

The noble fight that it leads, is today to compete and succeed in building with the Communities of the ECOWAS space and Africa living in Côte d’Ivoire and beyond the Ivorian borders, living together in integrated social cohesion.

By benefiting as a point of support, a specific framework of exchanges and expressions where our cultures and traditions are shared, in the pure respect of ancestral values.

Pascal Affi N’guessan, president of the Ivorian Popular Front, received in audience, Thursday, December 23, 2021 at the headquarters of his party, a delegation of Ghanaian nationals living in Côte d’Ivoire, led by Queen Mother Abrafi Koto Kyremaa.

« We know that our president is a really active man who advocates African integration. And who has a lot of consideration for all the communities living on Ivorian territory. We came to see him to seek his help and support », a- she explained the reasons for their presence.

At this level of approach, she initiated the National Festival of Africa, FENA, which brings together all nationals of ECOWAS member countries and some partners from Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, DRC, Gabon…etc…

This year 2023 we have just completed on the dates of May 19 to May 29 the activities of the Festival which have been a great success.
We recorded the presence of guests from Dubai, Spain, Morocco… to name but a few.

According to Her Majesty Nana Abrafikoto Kyeremaa Queen Mother of the ECOWAS Peoples, primary institutions are those that forge the “basic personality”, the psychological dispositions specific to a society. The secondary institutions, on the other hand, represent in a way the ideology of a society, which in general is in agreement with the “personality” that goes with it. However, this ideology can be transmitted without being internalized: we can learn about pre-Socratic philosophy without becoming fifth-century Greeks.

This relative autonomy reflects the fact that elements of culture can circulate, be integrated into other cultures, without transforming them from top to bottom.

Also, new traditions can be created over time. Suppose two people start something every year, over the years it will become a family tradition and it can even be passed on to future generations.


By Aristo